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Tulin sairaaksi ja vähän nyt hidatui tämä projekti. Sairaana ollessani kuitenkin katselin lisää videoita ChatGPT:n käyttämisestä ja ajattelin ehkä kuitenkin jatkaa sen käyttämistä novellin kirjoittamisessa.

On kuitenkin hyödyllistä kun miettii asioita taas tarkemmin, niin että voi esittää ne ChatGPT:lle ja samalla tulee opittua sitäkin.

Muotoilin jo olemassa olevan rakenteen suomeksi hieman uudestaan ja yritin saada ChatGPT:n kääntämään sen englanniksi, mutta en onnistunut.

Can you translate this Hero's Journey story structure from Finnish to English?

Kuvataan Nilan, tarinan sankarin elämää kaupungissa. Kerrotaan että hän haluaa oppia taikalaitteiden korjaajaksi ja haluaa perheen, koska on orpo.

Kutsu seikkailuun: Ystävä Reijo tarjoaa Nilalle luvataan hyvä palkinto hieman vaarallisesta ja laittomasta pikkuhommasta.
Hän tapaa vaarallisena pidettyjä Metsäläisiä, jotka vaikuttavat kuitenkin mukavilta ja fiksuilta.
Kyse on sabotaasista sähkölaitokseen, jolla kiinnitettäisiin Lohikäärmeen joukkojen huomio korjaustöihin ja Metsäläiset voisivat sillä aikaa kytkeä omia sähköjohtojaan.

Sankari ei halua ongelmia: Sankaria pelottaa osallistua mukaan vaaralliseen toimintaan roistoiksi leimattujen metsäläisten kanssa.
Myös ongelmat Lohikäärmeen kanssakin pelottavat, koska Reijonkin tilanne on niin huono siksi, että hän on suututtanut Lohikäärmeen virkamiehet.
Tässä ehkä romanttinen henkilö Helena on huolestunut asioista.

Nila kuuntelee viisauden sanoja. Helenan isä on sitä mieltä, että kannattaa ottaa riski. Nila saisi palkinnoksi Metsäläisiltä kallisarvoisen taikalaitteen, jonka avulla voisi opiskella taikalatteiden korjaajaksi.

Ylitetään raja normaalista: Nila osallistuu selkeästi laittomaan rikollistouhuun.
Nila ja Reijo vahtivat sähkölaitosta ja tilaisuuden tullen tekevät sabotaasin onnistuneesti.
Vahingossa he kuitenkin rikkovat enemmän asioita, jotka aiheuttavatkin isoja ongelmia Lohikäärmeelle ja koko kaupungille.

Liittolaiset ja viholliset: Sankari oppii miten metsäläiset ovat pärjänneet jo vuosia ja tapaa muitakin kaupungissa asuvia kapinallisia kuin Reijon.
Samalla hänelle selviää että suurin osa kaupunkilaisista on Lohikäärmeen puolella ja sitä mieltä että ongelmat johtuvat muista, kuten rosvoista, ulkomaalaisista ja rosvoista.

Metsäläiset huomaavat tilaisuuden koittaneen vallankumoukselle. He kertovat mikä tilanne on ja mitä olisi tehtävissä.
He vakuuttavat Nilan siitä että ennemmin tai myöhemmin välirikko on tiedossa ja asiat vain kurjistuvat.
Tehdään vähän suunnitelma käydä Lohikäärmeen kimppuun, josta arvaa että se ei tule toimimaan.

Hyökkäyksessä on tarkoitus käyttää satoja vuosia vanhoja aseita.
Kranaateista tiedetään että ne saattavat räjähtää heti - ajastin ei toimi ja ne ehkä räjähtävätkin heti käteen.
On myös raketinheittimiä ja muuta, mutta kukaan ei oikein osaa käyttää niitä.
Hyökkäys alkaa näyttää tosi vaaralliselta.

Kaupunkilaiset ovat suuttuneet koska eivät saa ruokaa. Mellakointiin osallistuu koko kaupunki, jopa jotkut Lohikäärmeen vartijat.
Hetken näyttää siltä että välitön voitto on saavutettu ja ihmiset ovat saaneet ruokaa ja tarvittavia tarvikkeita.
Metsäläiset ja kapinalliset saavat myös uusia resursseja. Polttoainetta, aseita tai taikateknologiaa. Ehkä lisää kranaatteja?

Näyttää siltä että taistelu olisi sittenkin voitettavissa, mutta Lohikäärmeen joukotkin näyttävät olevat voimakkaammat kuin olisi arvattu.
Lohikäärmeen joukot yrittävät löytää syyllisiä koska eivät saa korjattua sähköjä ja rankaisevat sattumanvaraisesti kaupunkilaisia, lähinnä siis syyttömiä.
Eikä olla varmoja mitä tapahtuu, ei varman mitään hyvää. Haasteita tiedossa.

Lopullinen taistelu: Kaikki tai ei mitään. Voitto tai kuolema.
Lohikäärme uhkaa tappaa suuren joukon viattomia ihmisiä.
Sankari kohtaa Lohikäärmeen ja sen vartijat metsäläisten ja kapinallisten kanssa taistelussa.
Kaikki näyttää menevän pieleen, sankari ottaa käyttöön kranaatit jotka saattavat räjähtää käteen.
Nila kuitenkin voittaa taistelun ja Lohikäärme osoittautuukin pelkäksi koneeksi.

Totuus paljastuu.
Paluu uuteen arkeen:
Sankari on poistanut esteet ja voi toteuttaa haaveensa ja muutkin ihmiset voivat palata aikaan ennen Lohikäärmeen aiheuttamia ongelmia.

Mielenkiintoisesti tämä ei ihan heti onnistunut ja sain tulokseksi ensin mm. osin suomeksi muokatun osuuden lopusta, mutta lopulta sain ihan suht järkevän tuloksen aikaiseksi.

ChatGPT:n pyytämättä korjaamat viimeiset kohdat:

Sankari saavuttaa tavoitteensa: Nilan sisäinen voima kasvaa ja hän oivaltaa, että ratkaisu ei ole väkivallassa ja vastakkainasettelussa. Hän haluaa löytää rauhanomaisen ratkaisun ja auttaa ihmisiä ymmärtämään toisiaan. Nila kutsuu kaikki kaupunkilaiset ja metsäläiset koolle ja ehdottaa sovintoa. Aluksi kaikki ovat skeptisiä, mutta Nila onnistuu vakuuttamaan ihmiset puolelleen.

Kotiinpaluu: Nila palaa takaisin kotiin kaupunkiin, jossa hän on nyt arvostettu hahmo, joka onnistui luomaan rauhan kaupungin ja metsäläisten välille. Nila toteuttaa unelmansa ja opiskelee taikalaitteiden korjaajaksi. Hänestä tulee myös rakastettu perheenisä. Lopussa hän muistelee seikkailuaan ja huomaa, että hänen todellinen saavutuksensa oli löytää oma voimansa ja uskonsa rauhanomaiseen ratkaisuun.

Hauskaa että ChatGPT yrittää tämmöisessä ihan höpöjutussakin välttää väkivaltaa ja tarjoaa rauhanomaista ratkaisua. :D
Jotain uutta American Psychoa taitaa olla turha odotella ihan lähiaikoina ChatGPT:n generoimana. 

Tässä oma korjattu versio englanniksi jota yritän käyttää jatkossa:

Nila, the hero of the story, is living in the capital city of Dragon's Empire.
The place is in Finland in 2250. There has been a major disaster long time ago and now the place is more like a middle ages town.
There is still electricity and old high technology, but it is now considered as magic.
Nila wants become a magical device repairer and wants to have a family, as he is an orphan.

Call to Adventure: Nila's friend Reijo offers him a good reward for a slightly dangerous and illegal job.
He takes Nila to a normal fishing trip and and surprisingly introduces Nila to couple of dangerous Woodlanders who seem nice and smart.

The job Reijo and The Woodlanders offer to Nila is to help Reijo sabotage the power plant to attract the attention of the Dragon's troops for repair work, while the Woodlanders could connect their own power cables.

The hero does not want problems: Nila is scared to participate in dangerous activities with the Woodlanders, who are labeled as criminals.

Problems with the Dragon also scare him. Mainly because Reijo's situation is so bad, because in the past he has angered the Dragon's officials and can't get any good jobs, even though he is a talented magical device repairer.
A romantic character Helena is concerned about the situation for Nila's safety.

Nila listens to words of wisdom. Helena's father thinks it's worth taking the risk.
Nila would receive a valuable magical device from the Woodlanders as a reward, which would help him study to become a magical device repairer.

Crossing the Threshold: Nila clearly participates in illegal criminal activities.
Nila and Reijo observe the power plant and the guards and at the right moment successfully carry out the sabotage when the opportunity arises.
However, they accidentally break more things, causing major problems for the Dragon and the entire city.
The running water stops also working and because Dragon's shops also need electricity and all the shops are closed. Because of that there is no food awailable for city residents.

Allies and Enemies:
The hero learns how the Woodlanders have been surviving for years and actually goes to the hidden forest town The Hole 30 km from the city.

He also meets there other rebels living in the city, like Reijo.
At the same time, he realizes that most of the city residents are on the side of the Dragon and believe that the problems are caused by others, such as thieves, foreigners, and robbers.
Most city residents have almost religious belief that the Dragon is good and almighty.
There is also some people who are aware of things but haven't really picked their side's like Helena's father Pena.

The city residents are now getting angry at the Dragon and the Dragon's bad bureocrats and repairmen. Because there still isn't electricity or running water.
The Woodlanders see the opportunity for revolution.

They make a plan what could be done.
They convince Nila that a rift is inevitable sooner or later and things will only get worse.
A plan is made to attack the Dragon, which Nila can guess will not work.

The attack is intended to use weapons hundreds of years old.
It is known that grenades may explode immediately, the timer does not work, and they may explode in hand.
There are also rocket launchers and other weapons, but no one really knows how to use them. The attack is starting to look very dangerous.

The city residents are angry because they do not have food.
The entire city participates in the riot, even some of the Dragon's guards.
For a moment, it seems that an immediate victory has been achieved, and people have gotten food and necessary supplies.
One of the Dragon's warehouses is emptied really quickly, but then everyone escapes and hides at home or somewhere pleased with what they managed to get.
The Woodlanders and rebels also get new resources. Fuel, weapons, or magical technology. Maybe more grenades?

It seems that the battle could still be won, but the Dragon's troops appear to be stronger than expected.
The Dragon's troops try to find the guilty parties because they cannot fix the power.
They don't really care who are guilty. The are using too much power to punish whoever they don't like and who just happens to be on their way.

The climax of the story:
Nila confronts the Dragon, which actually just a modified mining robot, controlled by Veikko, the Dragon's public spokesman.
The dragon and guardians manage to kill and hurt many rebels and Woodlanders.

Nila must choose risk his life using a hand grenade which might kill him.
Dragon almost kills Nila, but luckily Nila manages to destroy the mining robot Dragon by moving so fast that the Dragon doesn't have time to react.

The resolution of the story:
With the help of his allies Nila and his team are able to convince the city people that the Dragon is really gone and it was just machine run by Veikko all the time. Together the city people and Woodlanders establish a new, more just society.

Nila becomes a hero to the people and achieves his dream of becoming a skilled magic device repairman, while also finding a new family among his fellow rebels.

Seuraavaksi yritän varmaankin saada syötettyä käännettyä englanniksi ja muotoiltua jotenkin ChatGPT:n ymmärtämään muotoon taustatiedot.

Tein nyt hahmotkin uudestaan englanniksi ChatGPT:llä



Actually just a facade for Veikko Eskola, not a real living being
A kind of fictional character with a vague identity that mainly reflects Veikko's traits and dreams. However, Veikko is not smart enough in humanistic matters to think about branding Dragon.
So Dragon is actually just a few machines: modified and camouflaged mining robots, helicopters, etc. Perhaps even just videos and pictures.
Guards and officials know that, for example, there are Dragon-like flame-spitting machines on the state border that are used to scare enemies, but almost all of them still believe that the real Dragon is real and that the real Dragon simply does not bother scaring off some village robbers at the state border.
Dragon has a palace where Veikko Eskola essentially lives. Veikko has a nearby supposed house of his own, but he actually lives in the palace.
The palace is built on top of and around an old mine.
Matti Möttönen discovered the mine at some point.
The mine had survived almost completely intact from a major disaster, and inside were old mining machines, electrical cables, pipes, ventilation, and everything else related to the operation still in working condition, although in need of some maintenance and without instructions.
The material to be extracted from the mine is not important nowadays, but the mine network is vast and there is a lot of stuff there.
Dragon appears to the townspeople as a king-like, great and wise leader, who also has magical powers and knows everything that happens.
Dragon appears as a good but powerful and cruel to its enemies.

Veikko Eskola
Appears as the spokesman for Dragon, but actually controls Dragon
Technically skilled
Learned and somewhat smart guy
A diploma engineer type of guy that fits in the worst stereotypical images
Doesn't consider himself inherently evil, just sometimes forced to make tough choices
Very one-sided worldview based on personal experiences, beliefs, etc., rather than rationally justified things
Not willing to change his worldview, his world is simple and working and he likes it that way
Believes that the weak, poor, bad, and generally unpleasant people can be sacrificed for the benefit of others
Not a megalomaniac world conqueror or lazy emperor, actually wants to make his kingdom what he wants
On the other hand, he turns a blind eye to facts, cause-and-effect relationships, etc.
Has fallen in love with his own bad ideas and cannot admit to ever being wrong
Quite satisfied with himself and his life in his palace as a genius invisible ruler
More or less functional psychopath
Can act and converse
Lacks empathy

Matti Möttönen
The original holder of the mine
Quite skilled and versatile craftsman, good at manual skills, welding, woodworking, using large machines.
One of Veikko's oldest criminal partners
resembles a dwarf in fantasy stories
Quiet and gruff
a bit of a drunk
Artistic in a dwarfish macho way
Has made the biggest and most beautiful dragons
loves making them and is proud of them

Apprentice Viljami Rakkola
Admires Veikko almost religiously
Not very smart, but understands people better than Veikko
Appears extremely positive
Actually quite positive and gullible
Pretty good at acting
On the other hand, impulsive and sadistic psychopath who doesn't think much about consequences
For this reason, many no longer trust Viljami at all

Warehouse Manager Kilpelä
Dull bureaucrat in a high position
Greedy, mean, and a bit stupid, but absolutely loyal to Veikko and the Dragon
Doesn't even bother pretending to be fair, just, or kind
A fine figurehead to draw attention away from Veikko, who really pulls the strings behind the scenes.

Nila (the hero)
A young, somewhat slow dreamer
Not really stupid
a bit foolish mostly due to youth
Not very culturally diverse, hasn't had proper education, etc.
Family background
Mother died when he was a child, doesn't remember anything
Father not very close and disappeared when Nila was a teenager
Dreams of having a real family, like the ones he's seen others have
Mostly fishes and does odd jobs for others
Has done potato picking and other work especially for Pena Toivola
In love with Helena, whom he has known for a long time while working for Pena's family
Wants to learn old techniques/magic
Interested in things
Fairly traditional guy
Nice and kind
Fairly good social skills even though he's quiet, knows how to listen
Somehow sympathetic and kind-hearted
Brave, but not always
As a hero, resembles Harry Potter or Luke Skywalker.

In a fantasy story, he resembles a dwarf
Somewhat disillusioned with life
Heavily alcoholic
Somewhat unpleasant guy
Knows how to use old technology/magic
Speaks his mind and can't keep his mouth shut
Still somehow sympathetic and good-hearted
Insanely brave
Has worked for the Dragon before but was demoted
Works for almost everyone, sometimes fishing, etc.
Alcohol is expensive, so he needs money
As a character arc, Reijo could transform from a drunken dwarf-like character into a hobbit-like teaching wizard.

Pena Toivola:
Friendly, solidary, and responsible
Mainly a farmer, but does other things if necessary
Grows potatoes and other resources
Has not fully chosen a side and is a surprising factor, somewhat similar to Han Solo
Not an open rebel, but not a government lackey either
Actually more on the side of the rebels
A bit fearful because he understands his responsibilities and avoids risks
The rebels see him as a conformist, but they are not entirely wrong

Large family
In the fantasy world, the whole family would resemble elves


Helena (Nila's love interest, they get along well)
Matti Toivola



They have a scary reputation, partly deserved, partly because they're mixed up with other robbers
They are a more or less anarchistic community, some out of practical necessity, some out of their own choice
They seek to live the same way as in the kingdom before the Dragon
They have avoided confrontation with the Dragon, but understand they cannot do so indefinitely
Low-tech, rebellious, and DIY type of people in a fantasy setting

"Leaders" of the Woodlanders

Afraid - some traumas?
A civilized theoretician
Surprises at a crucial moment in the end

Avenger - some traumas?
Calm, cool-headed, and rational
Former chiefs of the Old Kingdom's guardians
Seppo is somewhat of a socialist conservative who wants the golden age back
Dies or is severely injured in the final battle
Relies too much on old technology


A kind-hearted and compassionate woman who believes in the power of community and cooperation. She is a healer by trade and uses her skills to help those in need, regardless of which side they're on. She is married to a carpenter and together they live in a small cabin on the outskirts of the city.
In the end new neighbour for Nila + Helena

Eerika's husband:
A quiet and practical man, skilled in woodworking and construction. He believes in hard work and self-sufficiency, and takes pride in his ability to build and repair things. He is supportive of his wife's efforts to help others, but prefers to stay out of the conflicts between the Dragon and the rebels.
In the end new neighbour for Nila + Helena

- Eerika could be introduced earlier in the story as a leader of a community or group that has chosen to live outside of the city walls. This could show the audience that there are other ways of life and other perspectives beyond those presented in the city.
- As a community leader, Eerika could also serve as a mentor or advisor to the Hero, Helena, and other characters. She could provide guidance on how to survive and thrive in the wilderness, as well as offer insights on the political and social landscape of the world they live in.
- Eerika's focus on peace and harmony could be a point of contrast to the more militant and aggressive rebels. While the rebels are fighting against the Dragon and his forces, Eerika could advocate for a more peaceful and diplomatic approach to resolving the conflict. This could create some tension and conflict between the rebels and Eerika's community.
- Eerika and her husband could also be involved in rebuilding and repairing the world after the conflict has ended. They could take on leadership roles in shaping a new society, one that values cooperation, sustainability, and peace. This could provide a hopeful and optimistic note to the story, as the characters work towards a better future.

Nyt vasta käänsin hahmokuvaukset suomesta englanniksi ja pyysin jotain ehdotuksia tuosta Eerikan hahmosta.

Koko ajan näyttää kyllä siltä enemmän, että tässä tarinassa alkaa olla vähän liikaa aineksia kasassa.

No räpistelen läpi nyt vielä loputkin taustatiedot englanniksi ja sitten yritän alkaa oikeasti syöttää taustatietoja, hahmoja ja rakennetta alusta alkaen jonkinlaisena loogisena kokonaisuutena.
Sen jälkeen yritän varmaan kappale kerrallaan ensin kääntää tekstin suomesta englanniksi ja sitten yritän saada jotenkin runnottua tuohon rakenteeseen. Katson millainen siitä sitten tulee ja yritän ehkä sitten kääntää sen taas suomeksi ja sitten miettiä karsinko siitä jotain.


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